Dm(add9) guitar chord (D Minor, Added 9th)
Symbols: m(add9), m9(no 7th)
Steps: 1-b3-5-9
Notes: D-F-A-E
The D madd9 chord adds a ninth to the minor triad, creating a delicate and melodic extension. Its notes D, F, A and E produce a beautiful blend of simplicity and depth, making it ideal for heartfelt compositions. Below, you'll find two variations how to play the "D m(add9)" chord, each featuring finger placements and an audio sample.
Variation 1
- Stretch out your pinky to the 5th fret of the B (2nd) string and press down
- Press the G (3rd) string on the 2nd fret with your index finger
- With your middle finger, press down on the D (4th) string at the 3rd fret
- Stretch out your ring finger to the 5th fret of the A (5th) string and press down
- Strum from the 5th string to the 2nd strings
Variation 2
- Place your pinky on the E (1st) string at the 12th fret and press down
- Apply a barre with your index finger across the 10th fret, covering the 2nd to the 3rd strings
- Use your ring finger to press the D (4th) string down on the 12th fret
- Now, strum all the strings starting from the 4th string
- D Major
- D Minor
- D 7
- D 5
- D dim
- D dim7
- D aug
- D sus2
- D sus4
- D maj7
- D m7
- D 7sus4
- D maj9
- D maj11
- D maj13
- D maj9#11
- D maj13#11
- D add9
- D 6add9
- D maj7b5
- D maj7#5
- D m6
- D m9
- D m11
- D m13
- D madd9
- D m6add9
- D mmaj7
- D mmaj9
- D m7b5
- D m7#5
- D 6
- D 9
- D 11
- D 13
- D 7b5
- D 7#5
- D 7b9
- D 7#9
- D 7(b5,b9)
- D 7(b5,#9)
- D 7(#5,b9)
- D 7(#5,#9)
- D 9b5
- D 9#5
- D 13#11
- D 13b9
- D 11b9
- D sus2sus4
- D -5