F11b9 guitar chord (F Dominant 11th, Flat 9th)
Symbols: 11b9, 7sus4(b9)
Steps: 1-5-b7-b9-11
Notes: F-C-Eb-Gb-A#
The F 11b9 chord adds a flat ninth to the dominant 11th, resulting in a suspenseful and tension-filled tone. With notes F, C, Eb, Gb and A#, it's often used in jazz to create a rich, dissonant atmosphere. Below, you'll find three variations how to play the "F 11b9" chord, each featuring finger placements and an audio sample.
Variation 1
- Position your index finger on the E (1st) string at the 2nd fret and press down
- Place your pinky on the B (2nd) string at the 4th fret and press down
- Use your ring finger to press the G (3rd) string down on the 3rd fret
- Press down on the D (4th) string at the 3rd fret using your middle finger
- Now, strum all the strings starting from the 4th string
Variation 2
- With your index finger, press down on the B (2nd) string at the 7th fret
- Use your pinky to press the G (3rd) string down on the 8th fret
- Press down on the D (4th) string at the 8th fret using your ring finger
- Position your middle finger on the A (5th) string at the 8th fret and press down
- Strum from the 5th string to the 2nd strings
Variation 3
- Barre the 11th fret with your index finger, extending over the 2nd to the 3rd strings
- Press down on the D (4th) string at the 13th fret using your pinky
- Position your ring finger on the low E (6th) string at the 13th fret and press down
- Now, strum all the strings up to the 2nd string, mute the 5th string
- F Major
- F Minor
- F 7
- F 5
- F dim
- F dim7
- F aug
- F sus2
- F sus4
- F maj7
- F m7
- F 7sus4
- F maj9
- F maj11
- F maj13
- F maj9#11
- F maj13#11
- F add9
- F 6add9
- F maj7b5
- F maj7#5
- F m6
- F m9
- F m11
- F m13
- F madd9
- F m6add9
- F mmaj7
- F mmaj9
- F m7b5
- F m7#5
- F 6
- F 9
- F 11
- F 13
- F 7b5
- F 7#5
- F 7b9
- F 7#9
- F 7(b5,b9)
- F 7(b5,#9)
- F 7(#5,b9)
- F 7(#5,#9)
- F 9b5
- F 9#5
- F 13#11
- F 13b9
- F 11b9
- F sus2sus4
- F -5